

The part of speech that substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and designates persons or things asked for, previously specified, or understood from the context.


Personal Pronouns

  • i
  • me
  • she
  • her
  • he
  • him
  • they
  • them
  • we
  • us
  • you

Relative Pronouns

that which what who whom

Subject Object

who whom

Demonstrative Pronouns

that this these those

Indefinite Pronouns

one other none some anybody no one everybody

Reflexive Pronouns

myself yourself himself herself itself oneself ourselves yourselves themselves

Intensive Pronouns

Same as reflexive but are used for emphasis

i.e. if you take them out of the sentence and they remain the same then their probably reflexive

Possessive Pronouns

my your our their his her its

Interrogative Pronouns

who what which whose

Reciprocal Pronouns

each other one another

Distributive Pronouns

either each neither any none

Relevant External Sources

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